How To Underline In Whatsapp

Are you wondering how to underline in whatsapp? One of the coolest things about using iSMS for text messaging is the ability to apply custom formatting to any message. Unfortunately, in whatsapp, this feature is not available. Fortunately, however, there are other ways that you can customize your text messages. In this article, we'll show you how to do it!

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how to underline in whatsapp


Unfortunately, WhatsApp doesn't let you apply custom formatting to in its iOS and Android applications. Instead, you have to either copy and paste the message into whatsapp or write the message into a third-party app like Sharp Prompt. If you want to apply custom formatting to an in-box message in Whatsapp, there are two options. You can either: Use the strikethrough effect by pressing CTRL+F or use the bold effect by pressing CTRL+B. The difference between these two functions is the amount of space that separates the texts.


If you're going to do it the manual way, you have two options. One, you can copy and paste your text and then either highlight it with a strikethrough or just highlight it and put it into a third-party iSMS application. That's pretty much all there is to how to underline in whatsapp. However, if you'd prefer to have more formatting options, your best bet is to look at one of the many third-party iSMS tools that are available for downloading on the internet. These iSMS apps will let you integrate your HTML code into your messages so that iSMS will actually display your bold text when you send an iSMS message. Some of these third-party tools also allow you to utilize html coding and html formatting options in your iSMS messages.

How to Underline in Whatsapp


It is a known fact that the BlackBerry Playbook is one of the most advanced portable devices on the market today. It is also one of the most widely used portable devices for sending iSMS text messages. So it's no surprise that developers have included a robust messaging application in the Playbook. The BlackBerry Playbook's ability tounderline will impress any user who wants to know how to underline in whatsapp. It's not a hidden feature - it is one of the coolest features of this new keyboard/touch screen device.


If you're wondering how to underline in whatsapp, there are several things you need to know. When you're composing your ios text message, make sure to leave some white space at the beginning and end of your message. This makes your message look cleaner and will help your recipients understand where they should expect your message to begin and end. You will also want to include a period at the beginning of your message to help people stay on topic.


Underline is available in two different styles, regular and bold. While regular is the standard formatting option, bold gives iSMS users a choice for bolder fonts. Depending on your recipients, you may find that using bold formatting makes your messages more noticeable. For example, if you're sending an invitation to a business conference, a regular bold font may work, but if you're inviting someone important to an interview, a bold iSMS may be better. Another great thing about the bold formatting option is that it will automatically apply formatting to any iSMS text message that comes in.


The final step in learning how to underline in whatsapp is to learn how to apply this formatting to your text messages. To do this, click on the gear icon in the top right corner of your screen. Then choose how you want the HTML code to appear before pressing enter.


Finally, learn how to use iSMS codes to style your iSMS text messages. The iSMS basics apply to these as well, so follow the same steps. Next, click on the gear icon and then choose a style. Type in your iSMS key combination and then select italicize or reverse to get your underlines or bolding. Style the same way for formatting your iSMS messages as you would when styling HTML code.

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